Friday 21 December 2018

Travelogue from the Driver's Seat - Hyderabad to Sikkim (Part 3)

""""Well the interesting part of the trip happens here"""

Day 6 – Mar 6 – Gangtok to LaChen

 The plan for the next few days was to head to Gurudongmar for which we had to go to La Chen, stay there for the night and depart early morning the next day. LaChen is 125 kms from Gangtok and the drive is very scenic. We departed post breakfast and the scenery started unfolding right after we got to the outskirts of Gangtok, first the snow capped peaks, followed by waterfalls – we crossed the seven sisters waterfalls, the innumerable army bridges, and with the topography of hills on one side and a turquoise blue river flowing below on the other, all these are straight out of a fairy tale for sure.

Route taken – Gangtok – Phodong - Mangan (district headquarters for N.Sikkim) - Chungthang - Lachen

  Roads are motorable but please be cautious while negotiating bends – horns are sparsely used while dippers are highly respected. At many stretches road work was in progress. The sight before Chungthang is beautiful and a bit scary. There is a huge dam right below and the road cuts and curves with some narrow passes. As the traffic density was low, we didn’t face any challenges maneuvering this stretch. The green waters of the dam below is a sight to behold, at one point you are almost at the water level before ascending upwards. Chungthang is also where the roads splits to LaChen (higher pass) and LaChung (lower pass), so kindly take the correct road, wherever you are heading.

  After showing our permits at various checkposts, we reached LaChen about 6 hours since we started that morning. We had booked our home stay @ RC homestays. After dropping our bags we headed out for a late lunch of piping hot pakodas, chilly paneer, washed down with tea. La Chen is a small town which is surrounded by snow capped mountains on all sides. It is extremely cold though the locals say the chillness is going down every year. For a couple from the coastal plains from the southern part of the country, this was very cold. We clicked some snaps, walked down the road and headed back to our cute little home stay. After a shower and piping hot dinner with owners, we retired for the day. For the first time I was wrapped in 3 layers of clothing and socks with a comforter and blanket. Can’t even toss and turn as the warmth might disappear. Struggled quite a bit to sleep but the experience was one to be cherished. 

Day 7 – Mar 7:  La Chen to Gurdongmar

Departed at 5 A.M from La Chen to join a small convoy that was heading towards Thangu and Gurudongmar. This is important because the weather in these parts are unpredictable and coming back from Gurudongmar can be quite a challenge. Leaving very early is also not a wise option as we were advised to follow convoy of other vehicles. Even the authorities recommend a 5 A.M start from La Chen. The view starts unfolding at every bend, first the black rocks, then the ice, the frozen river and the majestic snow covered peaks.

As the first rays of the sun appear the peaks turn golden in colour. The small puddles which are covered in ice overnight slowly start melting, you can feel the nip in the air and the ascend starts getting tough little by little. We pass thru the numerable army dwellings wondering how these men have to battle against nature before taking on the enemies. We pass by rows of army vehicles with ice chains on them. Suddenly I find myself in the midst of ‘trax’es who are also ascending the mountains. Keeping pace with them was challenging and exciting.

We reached Thangu, a very small village where we had breakfast – a few slices of bread, a bowl of instant noodles and tea. We encountered some tourists here – those who were in the trax. Some wondered where we came from – as ours is a TN registered Thar. Some didn’t believe when we told them and some were just plain excited to look at the vehicle and the crazy couple.

Except for the small narrow stretch of land – called a road but infact is a only gravel – it was white everywhere. The black Thar was in complete contrast to the white surroundings everywhere – a perfect black and white romance.
The final checkpost was at an elevation of 15,000+ feet. Had to get down to show the permit. I felt a tinge of dizziness at this point – my first experience of altitude sickness. Every step was with utmost caution – should not slip on the ice and shouldn’t run out of breath. Every thing had to be done slowly. Left the place and entered the final 14 kms of actual road – finally some tar for the thar. Surprisingly the terrain became flat from this point. I now started understanding the meaning of icy desert. The land was bone dry – brown and white mountains as the backdrop. There was some ice on the roads – please be careful as it can slippery. I had engaged 4 wheel drive from Thangu to provide additional traction to the wheels so felt slightly more comfortable.

The final ascent to the lake was a tad steep and when I had to put that extra effort to change the gear, I felt a stinging sensation in my nerves which shook me for a second, again all part of the experience. What unfolds in front of your eyes is nothing but surreal – a frozen lake in the middle of nowhere.  Cannot compare this to anything I have ever felt in my lifetime. It leaves you speechless and emotionless for a few minutes before you realize the thin air around. You just take in the sight and marvel at such wonderful creations. This lake is considered holy by the Buddhists and Sikhs alike. When you hear that people traveled here by foot you cannot but help admire the courage of those brave souls who came here centuries ago. Will let you take in some sights now.

We left after a brief 20 minute stay – some times the altitude sickness starts playing games inside your head. Though I had some camphor and an oxygen mask, I still did not want to take a chance. Sometimes the good things in life stay only for a few minutes but will be forever etched in your memory – this was one such moment (philosophical punch line). We bade goodbye to the lake and started our journey back.
It was 9:45 by now and the ice had started melting. After a quick coffee – free at the army check post - and bio-break, we headed back to La Chen. The gravel roads started getting slushy and frozen sticks started emerging from the tips of the rocks. By now, there was no fear of the path, only respect. We reached La Chen in time for lunch. It took 4 ½ hrs to cover 64 kms – one way!!!

We bid goodbye to our kind hosts and contemplated our visit to La Chung and Yumthang for which we had permits but apparently dropped out of at the last minute – a mistake that I’d regret later. After a 6 ½ hrs drive to Gangtok – post 6 it was dark, the terrain was unknown and the speed not exceeding 30 kmph we made it to the luxurious comfort of our resort. A lot of army bridges actually scared me though I did not show it. The entire journey was like a fairy tale.
Day 8 – Mar 8 – Gangtok
Today was a no-driving day for me. One of those rare days where you don’t do anything. Get up late, have a brunch, admire the mountains, watch the pics and videos of the previous days, pinch yourself hard whether you actually experienced it in real, explore the local area by foot, keep looking at the mountains and snow peaks around you with a piping hot cup of coffee or tea and just do absolutely nothing. Life is a lot more peaceful and relaxed this way
Day 9 –  Mar 9 - Shopping in Gangtok
By now, we were familiar with the place, we knew where the vehicle could be parked, what we had to buy, where to eat etc – traveling truly enlightens you. Back to M.G. Marg again and shopped till we dropped. Atleast one good common habit that both Radhika and I have are to shop for things which have a local flavor – i.e.., something you won’t find anywhere except in that place. And we did find a lot of options. By now, we had already filled one large bag and atleast 2 smaller bags with souvenirs, gifts, prayer flags, tea, woolens, wine. Enough for now.
Day 10 – Mar 10 - Dep from Gangtok 
One more early morning start. Post settling the bills, we headed out of Gangtok. Being a Saturday early morning, there was very little traffic. We planned to reach Kolkata that night – but as always could not go as planned. Reached Baghdogra around 9:30 AM. Stopped for brunch near Purnea around 12 noon, crossed Baagalpur at 2 PM, entered Jharkand around 5 PM and exited from Chittaranjan around 8 P.M. We stopped on the outskirts of Asansol as I was tired and didn’t want to push too hard to reach Kolkata the same night. When on the road, safety always becomes first priority and we never compromise on it. We booked into a hotel in Durgapur and halted there for the night.

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